Cosmetic gum procedures

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Cosmetic Gum Procedures: Enhancing Your Smile


Cosmetic gum procedures, also known as periodontal plastic surgery or gum contouring, are dental treatments designed to enhance the appearance of the gums and improve the overall aesthetic of the smile. These procedures are typically performed by periodontists, who specialize in the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gums.

Here are some common cosmetic gum procedures:

  1. Gum Contouring/Reshaping:
    • Purpose: This procedure is done to reshape uneven or excessive gum tissue, creating a more balanced and harmonious gum line. It is often performed to correct a "gummy smile" where too much gum tissue is visible when smiling.
    • Procedure: The dentist or periodontist uses a laser or a scalpel to trim and reshape the gum tissue, creating a more aesthetically pleasing gum line.
  2. Crown Lengthening:
    • Purpose: Crown lengthening is performed to expose more of the tooth structure by removing excess gum tissue. It may be done for cosmetic reasons or to prepare a tooth for restorative procedures such as dental crowns.
    • Procedure: The periodontist removes gum tissue and, if necessary, a small amount of bone to expose more of the tooth. This can be done with traditional surgical methods or using laser technology.
  3. Gum Grafting:
    • Purpose: Gum grafting is often performed to treat receding gums, which can expose the tooth roots and lead to sensitivity. It can also be done for cosmetic reasons to improve the appearance of the gum line.
    • Procedure: Tissue is taken from another part of the mouth (often the palate) or from a tissue bank and grafted onto the receding gum area. This helps cover exposed roots and improves the overall gum appearance.
  4. Gingival Depigmentation:
    • Purpose: This procedure is done to remove dark patches or discoloration (pigmentation) on the gums, creating a more uniform and lighter gum color.
    • Procedure: The periodontist uses a laser or a scalpel to remove the pigmented tissue, revealing the natural color of the gums underneath.
  5. Gum Sculpting for Veneers:
    • Purpose: When preparing for dental veneers, the gum line may be reshaped to ensure a proper fit and a more aesthetic appearance.
    • Procedure: The periodontist trims and sculpts the gum tissue to create an ideal foundation for the placement of veneers.

It's important to note that cosmetic gum procedures not only improve the appearance of the smile but can also contribute to overall dental health. Before undergoing any cosmetic gum procedure, it's advisable to consult with a qualified dentist or periodontist to determine the most appropriate treatment for your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Our Expert Answers.

  • What are the various gum treatments?

    Depending upon the severity and requirement, several gum treatments are available including professional cleaning (scaling), Deep cleaning (curettage), Removal of debris and infection from deep down the gums (root planning), and gum surgery in severe cases.

  • How does laser help in gum therapy?

    LASER helps in doing quick, efficient, and sterile gum therapy with minimal bleeding. It makes the region completely bacteria-free in a very short span of time. It helps hasten the healing process and makes the treatment highly comfortable for the patient.

  • Can the gums be affected by other diseases?

    Yes. The periodontium can be affected by diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, High blood pressure, certain medications, and infections. A routine checkup will help keep your gums and bones healthy and also discover when the gum health worsens.